51 Best Practices to Help You Save Time and Hire the Best Talent
Internet / e-commerce
Senior Recruiter & Team Lead
This employer reviewed its recruitment process after notingthat it caused some candidates to drop out.
The recruiters of this leading online retailer focusedon one objective: to create a feeling of belonging and attachment tothe company right from the interview phase. To achieve this, therecruiters chose to organize regular “sales calls” with each candidate.These exchanges are an opportunity to share their post-interviewfeedback, to guide them, to reassure them, and to present the nextsteps in the selection process. During these calls, recruiters presentmore about the company's operations and values, and give concreteevidence (listening, humanity, and availability).
Following the implementation of this measure,recruiters noted that candidates gained in serenity and confidence,and were better able to demonstrate their abilities in interviews. Butabove all, the proximity thus created reinforces the desire ofcandidates to join the teams.