Combatting Cheating and FRAUD

Advanced Proctoring and Security

Our innovative system uses real-time, automated measures and asynchronous human invigilation to safeguard test integrity. This offers best-in-class reliability while ensuring a seamless and non-intrusive online experience for test takers.

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Automated remote and asynchronous proctoring features in online language test

Secured Online Testing for Your Peace of Mind

pipplet cheating icon

Identity checks and anti-fraud measures ensure our tests reflect authentic language skills.

warning icon pipplet anti-cheating

Built-in features deter and detect suspicious behavior via the test window and webcam.

webcam identity check anti-cheating pipplet

Our approach minimizes disruption and test anxiety for a seamless and focused test-taking experience.

Real-time behavior management

Our system actively manages behavior from test start to finish. It prevents test takers from leaving the test window and blocks various ways to use external tools with copy-paste and browser extension protection.

Behavioral controls and management in online language test
Identity verification features with ID card and webcam check

Identity verification

Snapshots may be taken via webcam without interrupting the test taker. Consult snapshots to confirm that test conditions were respected and the right person took the test.

Activate our Stripe ID add-on to require a valid photo ID and selfies to unlock the test. Snapshots are automatically matched with the selfies to ensure consistent identity.

To ensure fairness and bias-free evaluation, our examiners cannot access these snapshots and responses are anonymized.

Human invigilation

For human-scored tests, our language expert examiners are trained to detect unusual behavior and patterns when reviewing recorded responses. They pay close attention to whispers and voice consistency, with any flagged issues verified by our internal team.

Examiners check and human invigilation for online test
Proctoring alerts and contextualized insights in online language testing platform

Contextualized reporting

Be notified via the dashboard and email about clear violations or unusual behavior detected. These insights help you address incidents with nuance and make informed decisions.

Encrypted certificates with unique ID number

Certificates are stored in an encrypted database to protect against tampering or fraud. Each certificate is issued with a unique ID number. Anyone can request the Pipplet team to verify authenticity.

evaluation report pipplet