[e-book] smart hiring 2023

51 Best Practices to Help You Save Time and Hire the Best Talent

Get the best of 2023 from your smart hiring E-Book
Get the best of 2023 from your smart hiring E-Book


Management Consulting

Get the best of 2023 from your smart hiring E-Book

Digital & Analytics Recruiter

#45 Allow recruiters to coach candidates

Get the best of 2023 from your smart hiring E-Book


Not all candidates are aware of the level of expectations ofrecruiters, and they don’t necessarily have the right contacts aroundthem to advise them. Equal opportunity is therefore not guaranteed,and recruiters risk missing out on some candidates who have therequired abilities, but who are poorly advised.

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Actions taken

This firm has set up a unique coaching system. Eachcandidate is supervised throughout the recruitment process by arecruiter. The recruiter makes the first phone call with the candidate,and after each interview, conducts a debriefing with the candidate incomplete transparency, in order to share the positive and negativeaspects identified during the interview.

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Confirmed results

With this system, the recruitment process andthe final result are observed more than the “classic” file (education,prior experience, and cover letter). This allows recruiters to betterdetect the potential of each candidate and to indicate where he or sheneeds to improve. In this way, the firm tests the candidate'spropensity to question himself, to adapt his way of presenting himselfand to better respond to the expectations that are formulated.


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