51 Best Practices to Help You Save Time and Hire the Best Talent
Computer Software
Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist
Recruitment is often based on the candidate's ability toanswer highly codified questions or, on the contrary, to thinkspontaneously (case studies). But it is rare that a recruitment processallows the candidate to build a coherent thought process and todemonstrate it to the recruiters.
In order to select the various candidates from a final“shortlist,” this leader in the software industry asked them to prepareand then present a “case” imagined jointly by the recruiter and thefuture manager. This exercise allows us to evaluate the candidates ontheir ability to synthesize, their method and their efficiency, duringthis project which lasts several days. Their elocution, pedagogical, andpresentation skills are also evaluated. Finally, this “case” allows us tocompare the best candidates according to criteria similar to therequirements of the future position.
This specific test allows companies to identify thebest candidates more easily by revealing certain aspects of theirpersonality and talents (or weak areas) that may have passedunnoticed during the interview. If multiple candidates are at timesneck and neck after the interviews, this test helps recruiters bettercompare and contrast them.