[e-book] smart hiring 2023

51 Best Practices to Help You Save Time and Hire the Best Talent

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Get the best of 2023 from your smart hiring E-Book


Management Consulting

Get the best of 2023 from your smart hiring E-Book


Executive Search Professional

#27 Estimate retention potential early in the process

Get the best of 2023 from your smart hiring E-Book


Weeks or even months after a hire, a recruiter or manager mayrealize that the new recruit doesn’t adhere that well to the company’sculture. Transearch wanted to prevent this risk by identifying themotivational levers of candidates.

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Actions taken

Before the selection phase, Transearch estimates a“Retention Index” for each candidate, an internal index that evaluates thedegree of correspondence between the candidate and the company'svalues. The objective: to anticipate the successful integration of the newrecruit, and especially his retention within the company over several years.This “Retention Index” is evaluated in two stages: first via an interactivegame, then via a debate on values between candidates.

. First, candidates are asked to express themselves on about 50 valuesand sources of motivation. They must choose the seven with which theyfeel most in agreement. These seven values will be the basis fordiscussion during the following interviews.

. In the second phase, Transearch offers the best candidates in therunning to discuss the company's values, during a debate moderated bythe recruiter. Employees are expected to refer to sources of motivationrelated to the company itself (such as its reputation and anyopportunities for promotion and growth) rather than just to thebenefits it offers (such as flexible hours, salary, and location).

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Confirmed results

The implementation of the “Retention Index” makes itpossible to select the candidates that will join the company for “goodreasons.” If they really adhere to the company's culture, they will be lesslikely to leave for a competitor's company just to get a higher salary.


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