51 Best Practices to Help You Save Time and Hire the Best Talent
Internet / e-commerce
Talent Acquisition Manager
When specific language skills are required for a position (inthis case, customer service), it is sometimes discovered too late thatthe candidate does not have the required level. This is unfortunate, asrecruiters could have saved time by identifying this gap much earlierin the process.
That's why this e-commerce giant has chosen toassess communication skills before any interview. The recruiter sendsall relevant applicants an invitation to take a Pipplet test in therequired language to assess their reading, listening, writing andspeaking skills. The 30-minute test is taken online, and the resultappears within 24 hours in their ATS Greenhouse.
By focusing on candidates who already have therequired language skills, recruiters have saved considerable time andreduced the risk of unnecessary interviews. For some roles, a more indepth assessment is conducted to gain insight into strengths andweaknesses and to develop a training plan.